Finding Your Faith
Musings ArchiveAn observation over the years of sharing my faith is that it's rare for non-believers to consciously seek an answer to the capital 'G' God question. It's more in vogue than ever in our culture to be 'spiritual' and to seek some sort of spiritual meaningfulness in life. Many will say they believe in a 'higher power', but seldom will this path lead to the God of the Bible. Why? Because seeking to be 'spiritual', in almost every instance, is pursuing a path that's ultimately 'all about me'. To quote the 1st sentence from Rick Warren's book, 'The Purpose Driven Life' (>35 million sold!), "It's not all about you!"
It often takes serious study to come to a 'yes' or 'no' on God's existence and ultimately, the decision is about His son, Jesus. And it's really important what sources you use when you decide to study Him. While there's no better source than the Bible, it can be intimidating to know where to start (hint: the gospel of John is fabulous for 'beginners').
When looking for 3rd party resources, there are a gazillion books and studies on the topic and many are super helpful. One source you can trust is Josh McDowell's, 'Evidence That Demands A Verdict'. First published in 1972, his book is the outcome of an interrogative approach of studying the Bible where he had the specific intent of proving Jesus does NOT exist. It's been updated over the years and recently revised and reprinted. I'd probably start with buying or downloading the original version.
So, do we search for God or does He search for us? Most would say we have to go after Him...but He actually pursues us and is constantly present with us. We only need to humble ourselves and draw near to Him and He will be instantly available...which brings me to the music selection for this posting...'Reckless Love' by Cory Asbury.
Until next time, may your days be wonder-filled