Intercessory Hope

By David Baker

I'm really excited to continue bringing you the ministry of Gentle Thunder! The Bible is rich with scripture supporting God and Jesus as both amazingly 'Gentle' and yet so full of the 'Thunder' of His immeasurable power and glory. 

Each posting will share different 'Gentle' and 'Thunder' scripture verses, followed by what's kind of a blog that we're calling 'Musings' (Musings: Defined as,"A period of thinking carefully about something and telling people your thoughts about it."), and finishing with a song from a Christian artist that tracks with the message of each musing post.

Let's start with God. I was 46 years old before being confronted with, 'Do I believe in the capital 'G' God?'. It wasn't posed as a direct question, but rather by default, as I began attending church regularly after a 33 year hiatus. Providentially for me, the pastor had just started a 15-week series on the book of Exodus. Childhood memories about Exodus and Moses were that this was an interesting and entertaining story (DeMille's 'The Ten Commandments'), but not a chronicling of actual events from history.

However, the pastor's weekly teachings were presented as both historical and factual. Maps of Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula were displayed, with his laser pointer guiding us along the route of Moses leading the Jews out of Egypt and to the Promised Land. This marked the first time in my life when I believed the Bible just might be filled with real events, about real people, whose lives were deeply rooted in or, in many cases, running from the one true God.

This was the perfect beginning of my journey to my now deeply committed Christian faith. Hey, if there's no God, then there certainly can't be a Jesus. And if there's no Jesus, then there are no Christians (more on this in future musings). Once I became convinced of God's existence, the next difficult question hit...'Now what do I do with Jesus?'. This is a tough one for most of us because it inevitably leads to, 'Will I commit my life to Christ?'. A simple 'yes' or 'no' question, true, but one with eternal ramifications no matter which you choose. 

This and future musings posts are all about the miraculous life changing benefits of saying 'yes' to Jesus.

Until next time, may your days be wonder-filled!

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